Segurança em Sistemas Informáticos
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OAuth Koa
=========This demo contains 3 node.js servers illustrating the OAuth protocol in a simplified implementation. It contains the resource server (resource.js), the authorization (with authentication also) server (authorize.js), and the client application (web app) server (client.js).
The servers were implemented using Koa, a simpler Express replacement, with a separate router file for the API implementations and for generating the web pages (in the client server mostly). The pages are generated using Pug templates containing the HTML (and CSS) and parameters for the content.To run:
Run the three servers in three different command line consoles (>node ....js).
From a browser, access the client's home page (http://localhost:9001).See the logs that appear on the consoles as you progress on the web pages.
Demo with a Web Application and an Android Authenticator app, using QR-codes.
You need to create a free account with Try Hack Me
This lab should be executed by all groups.
15-minute presentation date: May 21
1. Prepare a single file (.zip or .rar) containing source code and report
2. In the report, state all the group members that have contributed to the assignment
3. One of the members should submit the file in the link (deadline: May 31).