O cálculo usado na avaliação final será feito com base em:
- T1: nota do primeiro teste
- T2: nota do segundo teste
- N1: nota do exame da época normal - Parte 1 (corresponde à parte da matéria até o teste 1)
- R1: nota do exame da época de recurso - Parte 1 (corresponde à parte da matéria até o teste 1)
- N2: nota do exame da época normal - Parte 2 (corresponde à matéria a partir do teste 1)
- R2: nota do exame da época de recurso - Parte 2 (corresponde à matéria a partir do teste 1)
- Trab: nota do trabalho
- B: bonus (max 2 valores após avaliação dos mini-trabalhos práticos)
T1, T2, N1, N2, R1, R2 e Trab: cada um é valorado entre 0 e 20.
Cálculo da nota:
Nota = (max(T1,N1,R1) + max(T2,N2,R2) + Trab) / 3 + B
If Nota >= 9,5 APROVADO
- O estudante tem três fases de cálculo de nota:
- testes: se a nota for positiva, não precisa, mas, se quiser, poderá ir a qualquer uma das épocas melhorar a nota
- época normal: se a nota for positiva pode ir ao exame da época de recurso melhorar a nota
- época de recurso: última oportunidade de ser aprovado ou melhorar a nota (se não tiver direito à época especial)
The calculation used in the final assessment will be based on:
T1: first test grade
T2: second test score
N1: exam grade from the regular season - Part 1 (corresponds to the contents up to test 1)
R1: exam grade from the appeal season - Part 1 (corresponds to the contents up to test 1)
N2: exam grade from the regular season - Part 2 (corresponds to the subject from test 1 on)
R2: exam grade for the appeal season - Part 2 (corresponds to the subject from test 1 on)
Work: assignment grade
B: bonus (max 2 values after evaluation of mini-practical assignments)
T1, T2, N1, N2, R1, R2 and Trab: each is valued between 0 and 20.
Grade calculation:
Note = (max(T1,N1,R1) + max(T2,N2,R2) + Work) / 3 + B
If Grade >= 9.5 APPROVED
- The student has three phases of grade calculation:
T1: first test grade
T2: second test score
N1: exam grade from the regular season - Part 1 (corresponds to the contents up to test 1)
R1: exam grade from the appeal season - Part 1 (corresponds to the contents up to test 1)
N2: exam grade from the regular season - Part 2 (corresponds to the subject from test 1 on)
R2: exam grade for the appeal season - Part 2 (corresponds to the subject from test 1 on)
Work: assignment grade
B: bonus (max 2 values after evaluation of mini-practical assignments)
T1, T2, N1, N2, R1, R2 and Trab: each is valued between 0 and 20.
Grade calculation:
Note = (max(T1,N1,R1) + max(T2,N2,R2) + Work) / 3 + B
If Grade >= 9.5 APPROVED
- The student has three phases of grade calculation:
- tests: if the grade is positive, you don't need to, but, if you want, you can go to any of the periods to improve your grade
- normal season: if the grade is positive, you can go to the exam in the appeal season to improve your grade
- appeal period: last opportunity to pass or improve your grade (if you are not entitled to the special period)