Até agora obteve 0 num máximo de 0 pontos.

Table of Contents

This is the 2nd Lesson. It will allow the teacher and student to see different examples of questions.

In the student view mode, the user will be able to jump to a specific question type from here. The answers will be obvious, so it will be easy to move through the lesson.

The lesson settings in Lesson 2 are a little bit different from Lesson 1. We wanted to make it more robust for a teacher example. We have turned on custom scoring and will show the student their on going score. While we will allow retakes and will record their maximum (best) score for all sessions attempted, students can only attempt one recorded try per question. Some answers are scored higher than others. A student must attempt 4 questions or their percentage score will not be the maximum of 4. We are sending 50% of their score will go to into the gradebook.

Please start with the Multiple Choice question button below, you will need to answer at least 5 questions and that is the best place to start.

Remember we have placed a " * " in front of the answer we consider the best.