Prepare the research activities that will lead to the PhD, in particular: achieve a good understanding of the state of the art in the subject of the thesis; develop preliminary studies related to the subject of the thesis; delineate the plan of the work to be carried out until the presentation of the doctoral thesis.

Learning outcomes and competences
Knowledge of the state of the art in the research area of interest; justification and planning of the research proposal; some (initial or partial) experience on aspects of interest to the work plan, such as experimental or numerical analysis, supported by theoretical models.

Establishment of thesis goals.
Study the scientific literature in the theme of the thesis; write a structured analysis of the state of the art.
Prepare the work plan, organized by tasks and accompanied by a timeline, with milestones.
Perform preliminary developments such as: elaboration of analytical or theoretical models, preliminary experimental tests, preliminary computational implementations and numerical studies.

The matters mentioned in the previous lines should be described in a report in Portuguese or in English, with a main body, that is, from the Introduction to the Conclusion, of up to 100 pages. The report should respect the indications given in the document "Instructions to write the report.pdf", which is available in the contents of the subject (in Sigarra).

The student should clearly indicate, if any exist, results or descriptions that appear in the Seminar report and that have already been considered in the evaluation of other curricular units. If part of the work presented (including journal papers) results from collaborations, the specific contribution of the student must be identified.
Período: Anual
Unidade Orgânica: FEUP
Ano Letivo: 2023/2024
Código: PRODEM056[1.9a31.1]