Woche Name Beschreibung
SIGARRA Course Info UC info
SIGARRA Summaries Sumários SIGARRA
Datei Definition of Signal Processing
Datei Detailed planning of Lectures/PL classes -version 0 (includes important Distributed Evaluation information)
Link/URL Ok, really, what is Signal Processing about ?
Link/URL A flavor of Signal Processing applications pushed by Machine Learning
Link/URL IEEE Signal Processing Society YouTube channel
Datei A quick guide to Matlab (in Portuguese)
Link/URL MatWorks Matlab tutorial
Datei Instructions regarding "Peer-to-peer learning/assessment" (P2P L/A)
Datei PL_lab_assessment_for_Student_info
Datei Formulae sheet to be distributed during the final exam
Datei NEW (22Sept): Classes-Groups-Students (Turmas-Grupos-Estudantes)
10. September - 16. September Datei Brief description of the FunSP course (in Portuguese)
Datei Review on the characterization and representation of discrete-time signals and systems
Link/URL Zoom_FunSP_T01_18oct2021 (lecture, part 1)

Important NOTE: this video was produced in 2021 and Students should keep in mind that the syllabus in slide 16 is NOT valid for the 2023-2024 FunSP edition (i.e. the video part between (h:min:sec) 0:47:00 until 1:01:00), the valid syllabus is available on the course description (https://sigarra.up.pt/feup/pt/ucurr_geral.ficha_uc_view?pv_ocorrencia_id=521980).

Link/URL Zoom_FunSP_T01_19oct2021 (lecture, part 2)

NOTE: this video was produced in 2021 and is valid for the 2023-2024 FunSP edition.

Datei Supplementary material (1/2) on the convolution, by AJF
Datei Supplementary material (2/2) on the convolution, by AJF
Datei Suggested problems for PL01 (week of September 11)
Link/URL Zoom_TP01_ex01 (video explanation of Problem 1)
Link/URL Zoom_TP01_ex03 (video explanation of problem 3)
Datei Handwritten notes regarding week01 PL problems ex01 and ex03
17. September - 23. September Datei Lecture slides on the discrete-time Fourier transform (DTFT) and the DTFT of the auto/cross-correlation
Link/URL Zoom_FunSP_T02_25oct2021 (lecture)

NOTE: this video was produced in 2021 and is valid for the 2023-2024 FunSP edition.

Datei notes_FPS25oct2021
Datei old_notes_(may still be useful)
Datei Illustrative P2P exercises (not for grading)

NOTE: two of these illustrative Peer-to-Peer (P2P) exercises will be explained during the lectures (i.e. T classes)

Datei Guide regarding this week's lab experiment
Datei Mais um reforço de introdução aos comandos Matlab/Octave

Introdução aos comandos Matlab/Octave

Link/URL Zoom_PDSi_LAB01_18FEB2021

NOTE: in addition to repeating the explanation of exercises 1 and 3 (belonging to the set of exercises released last week), this video also explains how to solve exercise 5, which includes aspects of the Fourier Transform that is reviewed this week.

Datei notes_LAB01_18FEB2021
Datei Matlab_LAB01ex01_18FEB2021
Datei Matlab_LAB01ex03_18FEB2021
24. September - 30. September Datei Lecture slides on sampling and reconstruction of continuous-time signals
Link/URL Zoom_PDSi_TP03_18FEB2021 (3rd lecture, first part)

NOTE: this video was produced in 2021 and is valid for the 2023-2024 FunSP edition.

Datei notes_PDSi_TP03_18FEB2021
Link/URL Zoom_FunSP_T03_02nov2021 (3rd lecture, second part)

NOTE: this video was produced in 2021 and is valid for the 2023-2024 FunSP edition.

Link/URL Zoom_PDSi_TP04_23FEB2021 (3rd lecture, second part)

NOTE: this video was produced in 2021 and is valid for the 2023-2024 FunSP edition.

Datei Complementary slides (courtesy of ARM) on sampling and the Fourier Transform
Datei Guide regarding week03 LAB experiment (for grading)
Datei C code needed for this lab experiment (ZIPped .c source file)
Datei Additional TP problems suggested for Week 3 (week of September 25)
Link/URL Zoom_video_regarding_TP_problem_1 (2020 recording, borrowed from another course)
Datei Matlab_TP03_ex01.m
Link/URL Zoom_video_regarding_TP_problem_2 (2020 recording, borrowed from another course)
Datei notes_regarding_TP03_problem_2
1. Oktober - 7. Oktober Datei Lecture slides on the Z Transform
Datei Complementary slides on the Z-Transform (courtesy of ARM)
Link/URL Zoom_PDSi_TP05_25FEB2021

NOTE: this video was produced in 2021 (part 1/3) and is valid for the 2023-2024 FunSP edition.

Datei notes_PDSi_TP05_25FEB2021
Datei notes_FPS08Nov2021
Link/URL Zoom_PDSi_TP06_02MAR2021

NOTE: this video was produced in 2021 (part 2/3) and is valid for the 2023-2024 FunSP edition.

Link/URL Zoom_PDSi_TP07_04MAR2021

NOTE: this video was produced in 2021 (part 3/3) and is valid for the 2023-2024 FunSP edition. Students should note, however, that this video does not include a new section that has now been included and that addresses the Z-Transform of the auto/cross-correlation. Please check the most recent version of the slides ("Lecture slides on the Z Transform File").

Datei Suggested problems for TP04 class (first 40 minutes of PL class)
Datei Guide regarding week04 lab experiment (NOT for Distributed Assessment)
Datei FPS_lab04.zip
Datei Results after second set of Verification Questions (updated on 10 Oct)

NOTE: pass to open the PDF is the same as that used to answer the second quiz

8. Oktober - 14. Oktober Datei Peer-to-peer (P2P) problems (for grading, first 2 × 15 minutes of PL class)
Datei Guide regarding week05 lab experiment ( NOT for distributed assessment)

For this lab, you may ignore section 3.1.2 of the guide, and you are expected to try the experiments described in Sections 3.2 and 3.3 of the guide.

Datei stm32f7_loop_dma_FunSP.zip
Datei path_2_STM32_project
Datei Additional suggested exercises for week 05 (on the Z-Transform)
Link/URL Zoom_PDSi_LAB04_11MAR2021 (video explaining Exercises 2 and 3)

NOTE: this video was produced in 2021 and is valid to explain this week's additional exercises 2 and 3.

Datei notes_LAB04_11MAR2O21 (handwritten notes regarding Exercises 2 and 3)
Datei ex3.m
15. Oktober - 21. Oktober Datei Lecture slides on the frequency domain characterization of discrete-time LTI systems
Link/URL Zoom_PDSi_TP08_09MAR2021

NOTE: this video was produced in 2021 and is valid for the 2023-2024 FunSP edition. It covers the multiplication property of the Z-Transform and the Parseval Theorem, and discusses the first part of the set of slides on the frequency-domain representation of discrete-time systems.

Datei notes_PDSi_TP08_09MAR2021
Link/URL Zoom_PDSi_TP09_11MAR2021

NOTE: this video was produced in 2021 and is valid for the 2023-2024 FunSP edition. It covers the second part of the set of slides on the frequency-domain representation of discrete-time systems.

Datei notes_PDSi_TP09_11MAR2021
Link/URL Zoom_PDSi_TP10_16MAR2021

NOTE: this video was produced in 2021 and is valid for the 2023-2024 FunSP edition. It covers the third part of the set of slides on the frequency-domain representation of discrete-time systems.

Datei notes_lecture_FPS_22_NOV_2021
Datei Peer-to-peer (P2P) problems (for grading, first 2 × 15 minutes of PL class)
Datei Guide regarding week06 lab experiment (5th lab experiment -> NOT for distributed assessment)

NOTE: although this LAB is not subject to formal assessment, Students should prepare it before the lab class, and are expected to benefit as much as possible from the learning opportunities it elicits (i.e. at least they should complete what is requested in section 6.2 of the guide)

Datei stm32f7_average_intr_FunSP.zip
Datei path_2_STM32_project.txt
Datei Suggested problems for this week (on the inverse Z-Transform)
Link/URL Zoom_PDSi_LAB05_16MAR2021

NOTE: this video was produced in 2021 and is valid for the 2023-2024 FunSP edition. It covers the solution to the first exercise suggested for this week as well as other exercises that will be presented next week.

Datei ex01.m
Datei notes_regarding_exercise_1 and more (to be discusssed in coming weeks)
22. Oktober - 28. Oktober Datei Slides on structures for the realization of discrete-time systems (in Portuguese)
Link/URL Video lecture on realization structures (Zoom_PDSi_TP13_24MAR2021)

NOTE: this video was produced in 2021 and is valid for the 2023-2024 FunSP edition.

Datei Handwritten notes related to the lecture on realization structures
Datei Guide regarding week07 lab experiment (6th lab experiment -> FOR DISTRIBUTED ASSESSMENT)
Datei stm32f7_loop_dma_FunSP.zip
Datei path_2_STM32_project.txt
Datei Peer-to-peer (P2P) exercises (for training -not assessment)
Datei Aditional suggested exercises for week07 (on Z-Transform applied to practical cases)
Link/URL Video (borrowed from another UC) explaining Exercise 1 (although with different parameters)

NOTE: this video was produced in 2020 and is valid for the 2023-2024 FunSP edition.

Datei Handwritten notes explaining exercises 1 and 2 (note that exercise parameters may differ)
Datei AD results after the third set of Verification Questions (updated on Oct 26)

Password is the same as that used to access the last Verification Questions quiz

5. November - 11. November Datei Slides on the design of IIR filters (in Portuguese)
Link/URL Video-based lecture on IIR filter design (part 1/2), starts at (min:sec) 19:00 (was: Zoom_PDSi_TP11_18MAR2021)

NOTE: this video was produced in 2021 and is valid for the 2023-2024 FunSP edition. The relevant part starts at min 19:00.

Link/URL Video-based extra lecture on IIR filter design (part 2/2), (was: Zoom_PDSi_TP12_23MAR2021

NOTE: this video was produced in 2021 and is valid for the 2023-2024 FunSP edition.

Datei Handwritten notes regarding the previous videos (notes_PDSi_TP12_23MAR2021)
Datei Slides on the design of FIR filters (in Portuguese)
Link/URL Video-based extra lecture on FIR filter design (was: Zoom_PDSi_TP14_25MAR2021

NOTE: this video was produced in 2021 and is valid for the 2023-2024 FunSP edition.

Datei Guide regarding week08 lab experiment (7th lab experiment -> for DISTRIBUTED ASSESSMENT)
Datei stm32f7_IIRorder2.zip
Datei path_2_STM32_project.txt
Datei Peer-to-peer (P2P) exercises (NOT for grading)
Datei Suggested exercies for TP08 class
Datei notes_FPS_TP_10DEC_2021

Handwritten solutions regarding exercise 1 (although not complete, see attached Matlab code) and exercise 2.

NOTE: please review carefully Exercise 1 as it is very important for this week (in terms of understanding how a given relative zero-pole distribution determines the frequency response magnitude). The following video, although borrowed from another course, explains it.

Link/URL Video explaining Exercise 1, borrowed from another course (as Exercise 4, ZoomVideo_PSFi_lab07_ex04_04Nov2020)

NOTE: this video was produced in 2020 in the context of another course (as Exercise 4) and is valid for the 2023-2024 FunSP edition

Datei week08_ex01.m
Datei Distributed Assessment results so far (LAB part) -UPDATED 09Nov

Note: the password is the same as that used to access the fourth set of VQ. Any questions should be directed to your PL Instructor.

Datei Distributed Assessment results so far (P2P part) -UPDATED 09Nov

Note: the password is the same as that used to access the fourth set of VQ. Any questions should be directed to your PL Instructor.

Datei AD results after the fourth set of Verification Questions

Password is the same as that used to access the last Verification Questions quiz

12. November - 18. November Datei Slides on the Discrete Fourier Transform (EN version)
Link/URL (Zoom lecture on the DFT, part 1/3, borrowed form another course) Zoom_PDSi_TP15_30MAR2021

NOTE: this video was produced in 2021 and is valid for the 2023-2024 FunSP edition.

Datei (old but maybe useful) lecture notes_PDSi_TP15_30MAR2021
Link/URL (Zoom lecture on the DFT, part 2/3, borrowed form another course) Zoom_PDSi_TP16_01APR2021

NOTE: this video was produced in 2021 and is valid for the 2023-2024 FunSP edition.

Link/URL (Zoom lecture on the DFT, part 3/3, borrowed form another course) Zoom_PDSi_TP17_20APR2021

NOTE 1: this video was produced in 2021 and is valid for the 2023-2024 FunSP edition.

NOTE 2: the first part of this video, up to (min:seg) 30:00 pertains to this lecture, the second part pertains to the next lecture.

Datei (old but maybe useful) lecture notes_PDSi_TP17_20apr2021
Datei Peer-to-peer (P2P) exercises (for grading, first 2 × 15 minutes of PL class)
Datei Guide regarding week09 lab experiment (8th lab experiment -> NOT for distributed assessment but should be prepared before the PL class and executed during the PL class)
Datei path_2_STM32_project.txt
Datei stm32f7_fir_intr_FPS81.zip
Datei firEqui.m (OCTAVE script, could be useful if you are using Octave)
Datei Suggested additional exercises for this week
Datei sting22_e_sinal.wav.zip
19. November - 25. November Datei Slides on the Fast Fourier Transform
Link/URL Zoom_PDSi_TP18_22APR2021

NOTE: this video was produced in 2021 and is valid for the 2023-2024 FunSP edition.

Datei notes_FPS_03_Jan2021
Datei notes_PDSi_TP18_22apr2021
Link/URL Zoom_PDSi_TP19_27APR2021

NOTE: this video was produced in 2021 and is valid for the 2023-2024 FunSP edition.

Datei notes_PDSi_TP19_27apr2021
Link/URL Zoom_PDSi_TP20_29APR2021

NOTE: this video was produced in 2021 and is valid for the 2023-2024 FunSP edition.

Datei notes_PDSi_TP20_29apr2021
Datei Peer-to-peer (P2P) exercises (for grading, first 2 × 15 minutes of PL class)
Datei Suggested exercises for this week
Datei aeiou_name.zip
Link/URL Zoom_PDSi_LAB10_ex05_ex06_29APR2021

NOTE 1: this video was produced in 2021 and is valid for the 2023-2024 FunSP edition.

NOTE 2: exercises 5 and 6 in this video correspond to exercises 2 and 4 in the above set of exercises, respectively.

Datei notes_LAB10_ex05_ex06__29APR2O21
Datei ex05.m
26. November - 2. Dezember Datei Lecture slides on the DTFT/Z-Transform/DFT of the auto-correlation and cross-correlation
Link/URL Zoom_PDSi_TP21_04May2021

NOTE 1: this video was produced in 2021 and is valid for the 2023-2024 FunSP edition.

Datei notes_PDSi_TP21_04May2021
Datei JUST INFORMATIVE: Slides (in Portuguese) on fast filtering in the frequency domain (the overlap-add and overlap-save methods)
Link/URL Zoom_PDSi_TP24_13May2021

NOTE 1: this video was produced in 2021 and is valid for the 2023-2024 FunSP edition.

Link/URL Zoom_PDSi_TP22_06May2021 (interpretation of the DFT as a filter bank -PART 1)

NOTE: this video was produced in 2021 and is valid for the 2023-2024 FunSP edition.

Datei notes_PDSi_TP22_06May2021
Link/URL Zoom_PDSi_TP23_11May2021 (interpretation of the DFT as a filter bank -PART 2- and intro to spectrum estimation)

NOTE: this video was produced in 2021 and is valid for the 2023-2024 FunSP edition.

Datei notes_PDSi_TP23_11May2021
Datei Guide regarding week11 lab experiment (9th lab experiment -> FOR DISTRIBUTED ASSESSMENT)
Datei path_2_STM32_project.txt
Datei stm32f7_fir_intr_FPS_diff_HT.zip
Datei Peer-to-peer (P2P) exercises (NOT for grading)
3. Dezember - 9. Dezember Datei Slides (in Portuguese) on introduction to adaptive filtering
Datei Complementary slides on adaptive filtering (set 1/3, courtesy of ARM)
Datei Complementary slides on adaptive filtering (set 2/3, courtesy of ARM)
Datei Complementary slides on adaptive filtering (set 3/3, courtesy of ARM)
Datei Guide regarding week12 lab experiment (10th lab experiment -> FOR DISTRIBUTED ASSESSMENT)

NOTE: Before de PL class (i.e. at home) you should prepare answers from Question 1 to Question 5. You may ignore question 6 in case the oscilloscopes in the lab are modern (i.e. not similar to those illustrated in the Lab guide). Your performance in the LAB will be assessed taking into special consideration your answers to Questions 1, 2, 4, 7, 9, 10, and 11.

Datei path_2_STM32_project.txt
Datei FunSP_sinus_spectra_RectHamm.m ( (c) AJF )
Datei Peer-to-peer (P2P) exercises (NOT for grading)
Datei FunSP_sinus_spectrum.m ( (c) AJF )
Datei Suggested additional exercises for this (and next) week
Datei audioSPEC.wav.zip
Datei AD results after the sixth set of Verification Questions

Note: the password is the same as that used to access the last set of VQ

10. Dezember - 16. Dezember Datei periodogram_spectrogram_DEMO.zip

Datei Guide regarding week13 lab experiment (11th lab experiment -> FOR DISTRIBUTED ASSESSMENT)
Datei path_2_STM32_project.txt
Datei stm32f7_FIRadapt_intr_FPS.zip
Datei speechnoise.zip (not mandatory)
Datei Peer-to-peer (P2P) exercises (NOT for grading)
Datei vowel.wav.zip
Datei Illustrative FunSP exams (most recent 3 FunSP editions)

NOTE: Complete solutions are provided for half of the exams.

Datei P2P part (updated on Dec 23)

Note: the password is the same as that used to access the seventh set of VQ. Questions should be directed to your PL Instructor.

Datei LAB part (updated on Dec 23)

Note: the password is the same as that used to access the seventh set of VQ. Questions should be directed to your PL Instructor.

Datei VQ part

Note: the password is the same as that used to access the seventh set of VQ. Questions should be directed to your PL Instructor.

Datei Final combined Distributed Assessment results (updated on Dec 23)

Note: the password is the same as that used to access the seventh set of VQ.

14. Januar - 20. Januar Datei Exam rooms and "course order numbers" for 19/Jan/2024
Datei Exam of January 19th, 2024
Datei Audio file that inspired Exercise 4
Datei Solution topics regarding the exam of January 19th
Datei Final grades after exam of January 19, 2024 (updated on 27 Jan 2024)

NOTE: password is the same as that used for the last set of Verification Questions (i.e. the fifth)

Datei Second exam (01 February 2024)
Datei Final grades after exam of February 01, 2024 (updated on 7 Feb 2024)

NOTE: password is the same as that used for the last set of Verification Questions (i.e. the fifth)